A donation for Easton Roller Mill expenses has been received to honor the deeds and memory of Jack Hamilton. Jack was the head of the Mill Committee and worked for many years to renovate and improve the mill for visitors, and to allow the heritage of bygone days to be viewed today. Jack organized many work sessions and tirelessly involved many others to help with work days and pancake breakfast open-houses at the mill. He was instrumental in installing the air compressor system in use today to power the machinery that was once powered by a steam boiler and engine. We are grateful to Jack and his co-workers for their gift to us. MILL DONATIONS ARE WELCOME Considerable funding is needed to operate and maintain the Easton Roller Mill. The Monongalia Historical Society is an IRS-certified tax-exempt educational corporation under section 501 (c) 3 regulations. Donations are tax deductible and may be sent by check made out to the Society and mailed to PO Box 127, Morgantown, WV 26507-0127. |